Finishing Strong


Another full day in Cambodia! Arriving in this province yesterday, our team put on a conference at another New Life Church for youth who traveled up to three hours to be there! The day went by quickly filled with getting to know the youth, teachings by Garrett and Jess, small groups, worship, dancing, and lots of games. The small group times were very special, producing meaningful discussion which led to many kids choosing to follow Christ! How incredible it is to be a part of sharing the gospel with those who have never heard the good news! We ended our night praying with the church for God to continue moving through the growing number of His people in Cambodia. Would you join us and lift up a prayer for them too? Arkoun (អរគុណ) which is Khmer for Thanks!

-Cody and Laura


As we are nearing the end of our trip and physical and emotional exhaustion begin to creep up on us, it is easy to check out and not give our best with the little time we have left. Tomorrow is the last day that we are serving in the provinces before we move to our debriefing time in Siam Reap. These last nine days have been a full time of serving and pouring out that which has been given to us. However, even as we are almost done with our time here, I was reminded of a verse that we had read during one of our team times. It’s when Jesus turns the water into wine during the wedding at Cana and the host says, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!” (John 2:10). I was reminded while reading this verse how whenever we begin to serve God, we always begin with such passion and fervor, but as time goes on some of that passion tends to die down. However, seeing today the passion through which the kids at the outreach worshiped the Lord and hearing the boldness of the leaders of the church praying for their people, I was reminded that just as Jesus had the power to turn the plainest water into the richest wine, He also has the power to make the end of our trip better than the beginning. Today was amazing seeing how many kids came who didn’t know Jesus and the hunger in their eyes for the hope that He brings. I am excited to see what God does tomorrow in our final session of the outreach! We are believing that God will do big things in the lives of these youth! His power is made perfect in our weakness.



One thought on “Finishing Strong

  1. Nancy Thompson says:

    God is faithful! Praying for you all . . . Thanks so much for sharing your journey through these amazing blogs and photos!


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